3 Southbridge Road Charlton, MA 01507
Listing Courtesy of: MLS PIN / ERA Key Realty Services / Samantha Butkiewicus

  3 Southbridge Road Charlton, MA 01507

Sold (24 Days)


This parcel checks a lot of boxes for the right buyers: a commuters dream located on Southbridge Road which is Route 169, you have easy access to Routes 20, 84 and the Mass Pike... yet you can enjoy the beauty and nature of the land by taking advantage of the gentle slope up, away from the roadway. Toward the back of the lot, theres an area that is already partially cleared with green grass and gorgeous pines. THATS where your future home would sit! If you look at the attached survey, youll see that NO wetlands are believed to exist on this lot. This lot is part of a larger parcel that has been in the same family for generations. Red dots on aerial photo are for reference only; not deemed to be accurate. There is another parcel available with Berry Corner Road frontage; see MLS #72970807 Please do not walk the lot without permission, parcel part of a larger, occupied property.

MLS #:
Lot Size
1.38 acres
Worcester County

Listed By

Samantha Butkiewicus, ERA Key Realty Services
Bought with
Samantha Butkiewicus, ERA Key Realty Services Spenc
Last checked Mar 12 2025 at 10:05 AM EDT
Bathroom Details
Utility Information
  • Utilities: Water: Private, Electric: Nearby
  • Sewer: Private
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